Oh yes! It's fun!
The most dynamic and charismatic speaker in the educational field.

Terry Cardon, Elmont, N.Y.

I have been an administrator for 30 years. Dennis McLoughlin is the most charismatic, outstanding, and knowledgeable person I have met. On a scale from 1-10, he is a 12!

Dr. John Franco, Superintendent, Westbury, New York

This workshop encourages me to be my best, go for the gusto of life, and be the best example I can for children. Denny, you have put the music and dance steps together so well.

Stella Pizelo, Principal California

Trust Psychology has given me new energy and motivation to change and refine my counselors approach with teachers, parents, and students. I have become bored with "all the problems" and only want solutions. Exciting!

Catherine Riedel, Heidelberg, Germany

I have never had any workshop this fantastic! In 26 years of teaching, I've never felt this great about anything pertaining to my professional life!

Linda George, Pirmasens, Germany

This workshop instills a pride and higher motivation to be a teacher. We truly have learned why certain things work in teaching as well as skills we can use to raise teaching to an art form.

Andy Zacharias, Superintendent DoDDS, Japan

Dennis McLoughlin was far and away the best presenter with the most important message.

ASCD Atlanta, Georgia

I can sense the excitement and change you have generated in our lives! I now know I'm on the right track and nothing will stop my train.

Wayne Dozark, Principal, Ansbach ES

The best workshop, I've ever taken.

Nancy Saltzman, Broadmoor ES Colorado's Millennium Principal

Thank you for offering the gift of YOU to the Air Force Academy.Thank you for giving me and our family some of the skills we need to love and respect ourselves and each other and the skills to recognize and pursue our ARFF. I hope our paths cross again someday!

Cheers, Major General Bruce Chesley

You modeled everything so beautifully and graphically. Learning had to happen.

Heather Williams, Stuttgart, Germany

I've just been exposed to FUTURE SHOCK . This is the very best workshop I have ever had.

J. Maxwell, Iowa

The rumors were true. What a new discovery!

Martha Neff

This should be given ASAP to all the inhabitants of the planet earth.

Jackie Yosemite HS, Oakhurst, CA

An incredible approach to education and life in general.

Debbie Books

The answer to my frustrations and problems! It will revolutionize my teaching and life!

Kelly Mikkelson

This is the MOST POSITIVE EDUCATIONAL MODEL ever. It is exhilarating!

Kay Munson, Montana

I can't tell you how exciting and inspirational your workshop was. You are terrific!

Jack Seiferth, School of Education, Queens College/City University of New York

Trust Psychology is dynamic! It's new, very real, and it works!

D. Rowan, Iowa

This is what my profession and art are all about!

Bill Salonen, Principal, Great FAlls, Montana

This is by far the best class in my life.

John Dearing, Iowa

This class was stimulating, exciting, and challenging. Incredible.

Judy Masengarb, Iowa

High Trust/Excellence has changed my life and the lives of others around me. Incredible!

Fred Clevenger, California

I've learned more in this workshop, than I have in 23 years of regular professional development!

Steve De Puydt, Montana

It is fantastic! My head is exploding.

Deanna Smith, Iowa

Professionally you really made me take a good look at myself. I've been searching for several years with QUESTIONS but no answers. I now know how to begin to answer MY QUESTIONS. See you again.

Judy Jelinek

I want you to know my life has been changed because of experiencing your class. You made so much sense. I can already see my relationships changing...all for the better, even with my stubborn husband.

Sue Derosier, Seattle WA

Hi Denny!
I have wanted to send along this THANK YOU for a long time and decided
to just sit down and do it. My school year with these darling first
graders is going so well and I attribute it to my fine teaching :) and
constant refining of the use of the skills I have learned from your
classes. What a great gift I have received from you! The best part has
been to know that sometimes these little ones are just not ready to do
something. They are very responsive to this approach and understand
that they are not being punished but simply are put into a more
appropriate situation where they can be successful. It is so much fun
to hear them ask for support from me and each other. Some of them have
told me they are hearing their parents use the term "support" also. At
the November conferences I heard several parents comment on how much
they like the term. Respect has always been a high priority for me and
now I know how to use it and thereby teach it.

My daughter, Julie, finished her full day student teaching in
December, had a wonderful experience, and used many of the skills she
learned in your class in August. Seasoned teachers marveled at the
calmness she exhibited and the effectiveness of the approach. At times
she made me smile when relating a story about something that happened
at school and would say "I know that wasn't the Denny way but . . "
She is aware of how well the skills work and I think is being gentle
with herself as she acquires them. Well - there is your verbal hug:) I
look forward to seeing you in March. I won't be able to attend the
whole workshop but I would like to drop in when you have "4th level"

Take care and God bless!
Linda DeCample
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